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How to Set Up the Onboarding

After registration, all participants will be guided through a few questions – we call this onboarding. The onboarding starts with two obligatory introductory questions where participants can confirm their name and job credentials.
The onboarding can include questions concerning

  • Matchmaking Matchmaking questions serve to match participants with like-minded persons: On the  Best Matches tab, we display other participants with similar interests. The answers are also shown on the participant profile.
  • Availability On which days and time is the participant available for meetings on site and/or by video call.
  • Participation Status Whether the participant will attend on-site.
  • Onboarding Partner Staff Participants have the opportunity to attribute themselves to a partner company.

Matchmaking questions

The matchmaking often starts with a question to attribute participants to a participant category (like e.g. participant, speaker, exhibitor, press, startup, ….). The questions you ask during onboarding can be modeled differently depending on the participant category.There are two basic types of questions:

  • keyword questions: all participants with the same answers will be matched
  • seeking/skill questions:  participants who can offer a skill are matched with other participants who are looking for this skill

Please choose the matchmaking logic and question type that suits your purpose best. You can also ask questions that don’t affect the matchmaking – then the answers are only displayed in the participant profile.

Often the onboarding closes with a open question like “Tell us something about yourself…”

Category question

If you want to attribute participants to categories, you can ask one category question. A typical category questions includes participants, speakers and partners, but other category questions are also possible. If you want, you can ask different questions depending on the participant category further on. Here are two examples for category questions:

Similarity questions

In smilarity questions, you typically ask for similar interests. Participants with the same answers will be matched.

Here are two examples for smilarity questions. The question for hobbies is a nice way to conclude the onboarding

The questions allow you to add an option [Other]. For smilarity and seeking / skills questions this allows you to fill in you own option:

You can also ask questions that will not affect the matchmaking. They look principally like smilarity questions, but the answers are only displayed in the participant profile. They are not used for the matchmaking.

Seeking / skills questions

Seeking / skills questions are suited to connect partipants who can offer a certain skill or asset with other participants who have may have use for this. You can match participants according to skill, financing that they need/offer, the region where they operate, etc. The image below shows a related search and skills question. You can either ask both questions to the same person or you can add them for different participant categories. For example, you may ask a startup about their financing needs and business angels, or about the financing they offer, and through this connect them.

Final open question

Often the onboarding closes with a open question like “Tell us something about yourself…”

How will the answers be displayed?

The tags a participant chooses will be used for matchmaking: Other participanst that are a good match for you based on your answers will be displayed on the tab Best matches . You can see a matching score and the matching tags for each of your matches. The answers are also display on the profile of each participant.