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talque – The most interactive event platform

From organization to implementation - we guide you through the entire event cycle

2 014
International customers
talque Mitarbeiter am Messestand

A platform tailored
to your needs

Whether your event is virtual, in-person, or a hybrid of both, talque provides a solution tailored to your needs for every occasion. Over the past decade, we have consistently developed our platform to meet the needs of the event industry. Our features enable us to successfully deliver a platform that aligns with your needs.

We guide you through the entire event cycle, beginning with efficient data collection, to event marketing, and finally, the seamless execution of your events. Throughout this process, we are committed to being by your side every step of the way.

Prozess eines Events

Content Hub

Datenmanagement neu gedacht: simpler Self-Service zur Dateneinholung durch die Stakeholder – einfache Kommunikation mit Referenten und Partner.


Maximale Sichtbarkeit für Events durch Einsatz von Content Plugins – Agenda, Speaker, Aussteller, Sponsoren und Produkte


Mehr Interaktion und Information für Besucher: die talque-App

Digitale/hybride Events

Individuelle und kreative Umsetzung: das gesamte Event kann über die talque-Plattform stattfinden und auch digitale Besucher werden optimal integriert

Content Hub

Data management rethought: simple self-service for data collection by stakeholders – easy communication with speakers and partners.


Maximum visibility for events through use of content plugins – agenda, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and products

On-site events

More interaction and information for visitors: the talque app

Digital/hybrid events

Individual and creative implementation: the entire event can take place via the talque platform and digital visitors are also optimally integrated

Why talque

talque is a strong partner for your event. Your event will benefit from a modern backend, efficient management, and enhanced visibility. Above all, our emphasis is on promoting interpersonal interaction. Our event platform provides unique solutions and creative offerings tailored to the needs of organizers, exhibitors, and visitors alike.

EU Server Standort
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DSGVO Konform

Data protection at the highest level

The privacy of our customers, partners and participants is our top priority. We are convinced that successful collaboration is built on a foundation of mutual trust. We prioritize utmost transparency regarding the handling of user data and clearly disclose which personal data we collect in providing our services, how we use it, and with whom we share it.

Always by your side

Ensuring the success of your event is our top priority. We provide support through training, project management, and full-time support. At talque, we value close customer contact, gladly taking the time for individual inquiries and demo calls. Our project management team is always available for our existing partners, and post-event, we prioritize thorough debriefing and feedback discussions. We aim for long-term partnerships with our customers and welcome every new user who chooses our platform for their event.

Tassilo Ott, real life
Berliner Fernsehturm über Häuserdach

International and at the cutting edge

Based in Berlin, we operate in one of the most diverse and dynamic cities globally. Situated in Prenzlauer Berg, our office brings together creative and highly skilled individuals who dedicate themselves daily to enhancing talque’s platform. We monitor trends closely, keeping our finger on the pulse in both the physical and virtual realms. Our customer base spans the globe, allowing us to connect people across all continents.

What we offer

Suitable for all types of events

Our team has been working for almost a decade to develop the most interactive platform for digital, hybrid and in-person events. We have developed over 50 features with careful attention to the needs of our partners.

Diverse events, convincing solutions, one platform

Our platform is tailored to the needs of trade fairs, conferences, and congresses. talque also facilitates career and networking events, as well as meetings, seminars, and festivals. The our vast customer base reflects the diverse event scene, and we are delighted to play a role in it.

Sustainability and economic efficiency

It’s clear that digital events have a positive environmental impact compared to in-person events. They also provide attendees access to information beyond the event, allowing for year-round participation. Hybrid features can extend these benefits to in-person events. Digital and hybrid features offer diverse opportunities to generate revenue, cover costs, and profit through exhibitors and sponsors.

Get to know the team

Tassilo Ott,


Chief Executive Officer

Chief Technology Officer


CTO / Chief System Architect

Daniel, Chief Operating Officer von talque


COO / Chief Sales Officer

Madison, Full Stack Developer talque


Co-CTO / Full Stack Developer



Business Development Manager

Carla, Head of Project Management bei talque


Head of Project Management (in parental leave)

Isabelle, Project Manager Events talque


Project Manager Events

Team Mitglied


Head of Project Management

Team Mitglied


Technical Project Manager

Team Mitglied


Project Management - Working Student

Team Mitglied


Project Management - Working Student

Andrea, Frontend Developer bei talque


Frontend Developer

Abd - Developer


Frontend Developer

Team Mitglied


Frontend Developer

Team Mitglied


Frontend Developer

Team Mitglied


Backend Developer