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Lead list – contact information for your partners

A lead list is a list of the contacts you have made during an event. The lead list can be downloaded by qualified partner staffers from the partner profile (on the sponsor or exhibitor tab) after the event.

Staff lead list

This lead list contains personal video and chat contacts of the partner staffers. Video contacts result from direct video calls or 1:1 video meetings. A chat contact is an active communication between an event participant and the partner’s employee: The employee was actively contacted via chat message or the exhibitor contacted participants and an exchange took place between the two, i.e. at least one message was exchanged. In this way a consenting contact took place and so the contact is included in the list.

Partner profile lead list

There are more options for event participants can contact partner companies. Often such options are offered by event organizers as upgrades packages or to exclusive partner companies.

  • A button [Request more information] can be displayed on the partner profile (exhibitor or sponsors). When the user clicks this button, the contact is saved in the partner profile lead list.
  • Access to media is limited: Media like pictures and videos can only be viewed in the media gallery if the participant shares his contact details (currently only globally, not configurable for individual media files)
  • Access to documents is limited: Documents can only be downloaded from the file gallery if the participant shares his contact details (currently only globally, not configurable for individual documents)

These contacts are not personal but are created on the partner profile and are therefore accessible to the partner profile admins.

How to access lead lists

The lead lists can be downloaded by qualified partner staff on the partner profile:

  • The staff lead list with personal chat and video calls can be downloaded by the each staffer.
  • The profile lead list can be downloaded by admins of the partner profile.

Format of the Lead List

The lead list contains the following data: First Name, Last Name, Email, Company Name, Job title, Origin, Country. Here’s an example for a staff lead list and a partner profile lead list.

The “Origin” column shows the origin of the contact:

  • Chat -> from personal chat contact
  • Profiles -> via the contact button [get more information] or accessing a document or media file